All About Pedestrian Accidents in Arizona

Most pedestrian accidents occur at intersections in busy metro areas, where neighborhoods, numerous businesses, and foot traffic merge. However, any intersection, no matter where you’re located, can be dangerous. According to data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 40 percent of pedestrian accidents occur here. The most important step in preventing these accidents is knowing their cause and knowing how to deal with them.

If you’ve been involved in a pedestrian accident in Arizona, call our Phoenix accident attorneys at ELG Law. Our team of injury lawyers is here to help with a free consultation today.

Traffic Congestion

Traffic congestion is one of the most common causes of pedestrian accidents in intersections. It’s exacerbated by aggressive driving when motorists weave in and out of lines, tailgate or change lanes in an intersection if they’re stuck in a long line. These drivers may loop around other cars, fail to see pedestrians crossing the street and hit them. 

Drivers can prevent accidents caused by traffic congestion by avoiding aggressive driving. This means leaving earlier, staying calm, and taking your time when you’re on the road. If another driver is weaving in and out of traffic due to congestion, avoid responding with aggressive actions. For pedestrians, this means staying aware of your surroundings and scanning the street as you cross.

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is a top cause of serious incidents in general, especially pedestrian accidents. Texting while driving can cause accidents when a driver is on their phone and isn’t paying attention to road signals in an intersection. 

Arizona recently banned texting while driving, but the best solution is to stop using your cell phone completely while operating a vehicle. Avoid answering calls on the road and keep your phone out of reach when you’re driving.

Speeding in an Intersection

Speeding is arguably the most common reason for pedestrian crashes, but luckily, it’s also the most avoidable. It’s especially common in intersections where pedestrians are located, as drivers may try to beat a yellow light or even run red lights.

Don’t speed, even if you’re running late for work or an appointment. Speeding rarely saves sufficient time, but even if it did save time, it’s not worth the life or health of you or other drivers on the road.

Failure to Yield

All About Pedestrian Accidents in ArizonaLast but not least, failure to yield is a major reason for pedestrian crashes, especially when it comes to making a left turn. For example, if you have a green light and are turning left while approaching pedestrians also have the right of way, you must yield. If a pedestrian is using a crosswalk or even jaywalking, it’s important to be completely alert of your surroundings.

Drivers may fail to realize this and then not properly yield, causing a crash. Avoid these crashes by ensuring that you always yield when road rules call for it. You can’t control the actions of other drivers, but defensive driving is also vital. If you notice a driver making an illegal maneuver or a pedestrian failing to yield when you have the right of way, let them proceed.

Pedestrian Accident Lawyer in Phoenix

If you do sustain injuries in a pedestrian crash, contact an accident attorney as soon as possible. Your lawyer can work as your liaison with insurance companies and help you organize the facts of your case, making the process, and your recovery, hassle-free.

If you’ve been injured in a wreck, contact our Phoenix auto accident lawyers at ELG Law today. Call us at (623) 562-3838 for a free initial consultation.