All About Work Zones in Arizona

All drivers have come upon the dreaded construction zone while on their daily commute. Oftentimes, these zones are difficult to navigate.

These state highway work zones are defined as areas within a state highway right-of-way, subject to preliminary engineering work or construction, repair or maintenance work. Though they may frustrate drivers, these work zones are necessary.

Furthermore, drivers must exercise caution as they drive through these work zones. This is especially true since there is a much harsher penalty for traffic violations in work zones. From civil penalties to jail time, those who commit violations in construction zones are at greater risk.

Work Zone Violations in Arizona

As mentioned previously, a state highway work zone is designated by traffic control devices indicating the beginning and end of the work zone. Typically, workers are present in these zones. And in these areas, drivers cannot operate their vehicles at a speed that is greater than the speed allowed by traffic control devices.

If authorities find a person responsible for a civil traffic violation in these work zones, the person is subject to a civil penalty equal to the amount of the civil penalty for the same speeding violation committed in a state highway work zone in which workers are not present. In this case, they shall pay an additional assessment equal to the amount of that civil penalty.

Failure to Recognize Penalties

If you don’t address the penalties assessed in these work zones, you could be subject to serious consequences. For example, the court and the department shall treat failure to pay the additional assessment imposed pursuant to this subsection in the same manner as failure to pay a civil penalty. In other words, authorities could take action against a person’s driver’s license or permit or privilege to drive if they are in violation.

When workers are present, authorities double fines in work zones. Keep in mind that you cannot assume that workers are not present just because you cannot see them. There is always a chance you may accidentally strike a construction worker in these zones. And it is all drivers’ responsibility to drive with care in regard to their surroundings.

Current Construction Zone Information

Drivers can visit the Arizona Department of Transportation’s website prior to getting on the road. But if you check the website and do not see information about a zone, err on the side of caution. Remember that the penalties and risks are much greater when it comes to violations and crashes in these construction zones.

Accident Attorney in Arizona

When possible, it’s important for drivers to do everything in their power to prevent an accident or traffic violation. But if you’ve sustained injuries in a crash that occurred through no fault of your own, contact a knowledgeable attorney. Contact our Phoenix accident attorneys at ELG Law. Call us at (623) 321-0566 for a no-obligation consultation today to review your options. 

Our compassionate, skilled attorneys have years of experience protecting victims and are here to help you maneuver the facts of your case today.