Are Arizona Car Accidents Preventable?

Driving a car is a big responsibility and one that should only be done when a person is awake, alert, and able to follow the rules of the road. Just one misjudgment can result in catastrophic outcomes and even deadly results. Anything can unexpectedly happen while driving which can lead to an accident. Inclement weather, unforeseen hazards on the roads, malfunctioning car parts, driver mistakes, and recklessness to name a few.

If you were hit by a negligent driver in Arizona and you sustained injuries, call the Phoenix personal injury attorneys at ELG for help with your Arizona personal injury claim. Obtaining a fair settlement after your Arizona car accident takes experience, talent, and resources. The Phoenix serious injury lawyers at ELG only work on Arizona injury cases and have the means to provide victims with the very best legal counsel and services to be successful.

What Types of Traffic Accidents Could Have Been Prevented?

Are Arizona Car Accidents PreventableThere are some situations that are simply out of the control of a driver. For example, if your car’s brakes are faulty and they malfunction while you are driving, this can lead to a very dangerous situation. If an accident results and it is directly because your brakes were defective, then the car’s manufacturer or the manufacturer of the brakes would be liable for the resulting damages. When you work with an Arizona car accident attorney you can learn more about your options to avoid liability and have your damages paid.

It isn’t damaged car parts or freak occurrences that cause the most traffic incidents though. The majority of accidents take place because of blunders made by a driver. Specifically, the National Safety Council indicates that the overwhelming majority of crashes are because of some type of driver error. According to the NSC, as high as 94% of accidents didn’t have to happen. It is miscalculations and errors on the part of the driver which are responsible for almost all accidents. 

There are behaviors that are directly related to causing accidents and these include:

  • Drowsy driving
  • Driving while intoxicated
  • Distracted driving
  • Speeding
  • Ignoring the rules of the road
  • Not maintaining one’s automobile so it is safe to operate

Each of these actions is under a driver’s control. No driver that feels sleepy and inattentive, or has had too many alcoholic beverages, for example, must get behind the wheel. There are alternatives like calling a friend or using a rideshare service if travel is necessary. Driving when in an unsafe state is a bad decision, but a decision nonetheless. In 2019, there were 256 alcohol-related fatalities in Arizona as well as 2,969 injuries from traffic accidents that had an alcohol component. That means that 256 lives were needlessly lost and thousands unnecessarily sustained bodily harm because of the irresponsible action of drinking while driving. That year, out of all the 129,750 crashes that took place, 3.78% were related to alcohol. Of all the fatal car crashes that took place in 2019, alcohol was involved in 25.69% of them.

Speak with an Arizona Car Accident Attorney Today

The Arizona automobile accident attorneys at ELG will help you when a careless party hit you and caused you harm. The Phoenix catastrophic injury attorneys at ELG will provide you with the guidance necessary so you understand your rights and the actions you can take to secure them. Call ELG today to schedule your free consultation at (623) 321-0566.