Are There Varying Degrees of Negligence?

Are There Varying Degrees of Negligence?

When accidents happen from the negligence of one party which results in injuries or death to other parties, negligent parties must be held liable. The way that a victim of a negligence accident can protect their legal rights and see justice is to pursue a civil personal injury or wrongful death suit. Included in both claims will be all of the destruction and harm, also known as the “damages” that the victim suffered. 

These damages can encompass:

  • Economic damages are the direct costs that are incurred as a result of an accident.
  • Non-economic damages assess non-tangible harm and assign a dollar amount to them.
  • Punitive damages are meant to be punishment for incredibly appalling behavior.

If you have been injured in an accident or if you lost a loved one in an accident, and you are ready to file a suit, speak with the Arizona personal injury attorneys at ELG. The talented team of Arizona serious injury attorneys at ELG has many years of experience providing aggrieved victims of injury accidents in Arizona with top-quality legal services and excellent individualized customer support so that they can secure their full legal justice.

When Does a Negligent Act Call for Punitive Damages?

Are There Varying Degrees of NegligenceIn every situation, people have an inherent expected duty of care towards others that anyone else in the same situation would apply. Negligence happens when that duty of care is neglected and disregarded. For example, the most common cause of personal injury comes from car accidents. Every year there are more than six million car accidents throughout the United States. These accidents lead to a massive amount of death, havoc, and injuries. When a driver is ignoring the posted legal speed limit and is driving at excess speed and then crashes into you, their actions were negligent. They were not following the rules of the road and instead acting recklessly. Their wild and careless behavior caused you harm.

If you were hit by this driver you are well within your rights to pursue an Arizona personal injury suit against them to pay for damages that you had to endure such as:

  • Current and future medical expenses
  • Your property damages
  • Your pain and suffering
  • Current and future lost wages

Even though you were unfairly hit by an irresponsible driver and sustained damages, that may not necessarily be enough to be also awarded additional compensation through the use of Arizona punitive damages. The details of your accident situation will be what will determine if your case is eligible for punitive damages. Punitive damages are not awarded often but when a case rises to the occasion where the specific aspects of what happened were so egregious that extra measures were needed, in the state of Arizona, there are no caps to how much may be awarded to a victim.

Speak to an Experienced Arizona Personal Injury Attorney Today

In Arizona, punitive damages are infrequently awarded, but when they are they can make a difference for a victim that has had to endure such a horrific experience at the hands of another thoughtless party. Because of the varying degrees of negligence that are recognized under the law in Arizona, you may have a case for punitive damages and to find out more about the validity of your case, call the Arizona wrongful death attorneys at ELG to schedule a free consultation at (623) 877-3600.