Arizona’s Most Dangerous Roads

Though the majority of car accidents occur in busy metro areas, where neighborhoods, numerous business access streets, and pedestrian traffic merge, it’s important to stay alert on highways and interstates. After all, any location with traffic can be the site of an injurious or deadly collision. That said, there are a few major highways that authorities say are more dangerous than others. And according to data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, more than 40% of crashes occur in highway intersections.

If you’ve been involved in a car accident in Arizona, call our Phoenix car accident attorneys at ELG. Our team of accident lawyers is here to help you recover from your accident and explore your legal options with a free consultation today.

State Routes in Arizona

First, it’s important to stay aware of some of the dangerous state routes in Arizona. Arizona State Route 87 (also called the Beeline Highway), which connects Eloy to Payson, is a popular route for those in state and out of state. Most travelers use the route to access hiking sites in Payson, but there a lot of twists and turns on this road.

Another highway with a higher accident rate, State Route 64 in Arizona, is primarily utilized for Grand Canyon access. On SR 64, authorities note that the average speed tops 80 mph. Plus, officers have reported speeds in excess of 110 mph. Many drivers use this road for cross-country travel, so they may not be familiar with this higher rate of speed.

Major Highways and Interstates in Arizona

US Highway 93 listed as a dangerous road in Arizona and the most dangerous road in the country. Between 2010 and 2016, 70 separate accidents claimed nearly 100 lives. Furthermore, medical response times are typically slower in this area. That makes it even more important to be careful on this road.

Another major highway to be aware of is Interstate 10. I-10 is the road most traveled by those heading to California and it stretches statewide, from Tucson to Phoenix.

Salt River Canyon, located near Globe in Arizona, runs along US 60. It’s scenic, but if you’d like to enjoy the view on this highway, make sure you ride as a passenger. Salt River Canyon is also a winding road. As such, there are no walls to protect you from oncoming traffic. When they are no highway barriers, this makes car accidents that much more deadly.

Car Accident Lawyer in Phoenix

Arizona's Most Dangerous RoadsKeep these facts about dangerous highways in mind and drive defensively on the road to decrease your risk of an accident.

If you do sustain injuries in a wreck, however, contact an accident attorney as soon as possible. Your lawyer can work as your liaison with insurance companies and help you organize the facts of your incident. This allows you to make a quicker, smoother recovery and explore your legal options without the added stress.

If you’ve been injured in an accident that occurred through no fault of your own, contact our Phoenix auto accident lawyers at ELG today. Call us at (623) 321-0566 for a free initial consultation.