Can Psychological Damages Be Included in an Arizona Personal Injury Claim?

Large 18-wheeler accidents have the capacity to cause maximal destruction. Most often when there is a crash involving other cars and an 18-wheeler, those other cars are substantially smaller in size and because of this, also weigh a lot less. The impact smaller vehicles have to endure when there is a collision with an 18-wheeler can often cause devastating results. While there are many physical injuries that victims of Arizona commercial car accidents suffer, victims also face severe psychological damage.

If you have been in an Arizona semi-trailer truck accident it is important that all of the harm that was put upon you is accounted for in an Arizona personal injury claim. The Phoenix large truck accident attorneys at ELG know how to unravel complicated commercial truck accidents in Arizona. Managing a large truck accident is different than handling a case between private passenger vehicles so it is critical that when you connect with an attorney, that legal professional has substantial experience with large truck accidents.

Can You Sue for Psychological Trauma After an Arizona Large Truck Accident?

Can Psychological Damages be Included in an Arizona Personal Injury ClaimIt is very common that most parties including the victims as well as the negligent parties experience some form of mental trauma after a car accident. Specifically, when an accident is particularly catastrophic, it is natural to have some amount of psychological trauma. If your accident caused you to be emotionally disturbed and this anxiety is putting a major strain in your life, inhibiting your ability to keep relationships, be interested in life, or causing you to be unable to work you may have a case to file an Arizona personal injury claim.

When you connect with a Phoenix personal injury attorney it is incredibly important you discuss with them the strain and stress you are experiencing. If the emotional scarring has not only caused your personality, interests, and energy levels to change but also has caused you to be too scared to engage in certain normal activities like driving a car you are clearly not the person you were before your accident experience. Psychological damages are sometimes more difficult to overcome than physical injuries and they can also be excruciatingly painful.

Your accident experience may have caused you to develop Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. This is a serious condition that can degrade the quality of one’s life. A victim who suffers from PTSD can have serious life-long challenges. When a negligent party causes an accident that results in injuries or death, victims have the right to seek legal counsel and pursue a lawsuit against that party for compensation. 

Speak with an Arizona Personal Injury Accident Attorney Today

The Phoenix semi-trailer truck accident attorneys at ELG know how hard it is to overcome immense psychological impairments after a Phoenix car accident. The attorneys at ELG have had extensive experience providing victims of accidents with the highest quality legal services and support so that these individuals see their full legal justice. Call ELG today at (623) 321-0566 to speak with a Spanish-speaking, bilingual personal injury attorney in Arizona.