Debunking Common Car Insurance Myths

The experienced bilingual team of Phoenix serious injury attorneys, paralegals, and legal assistants at ELG have an extensive history of successfully representing victims in Arizona who are injured in accidents. Through our many years of experience fighting for the most compensation for each of our clients, we spend a considerable amount of time dealing with both insurance companies and policyholders. What we find is that many individuals we work with don’t understand their policies or are confused by them. Listed below are some of the most common misconceptions we hear about regarding how automobile insurance works.

What Are The Most Common Myths About How Car Insurance Works?

  1. One of the most common illusions about automobile insurance is that the longer you stay with your provider the better your premiums will be. The reality is this is not true, most insurers do not provide discounts or decreases in premiums to their most loyal customers. In some situations, the opposite has been shown to be true. Some companies will increase rates on their most devoted customers.
  2.  Have you heard that you save a significant amount of money when you combine car and home insurance? There is some truth to obtaining some savings but by how much? Let’s take the national average savings at about $97 per year. However, the savings vary by state. Floridians see a measly $31 per year savings while those living in Michigan have savings much higher at $240 annually. 
  3. Buying anti-theft devices are a way to secure a large discount on insurance rates. Like bundling car and home insurance, it is true, there are some savings to be had by purchasing these devices. The thing to recognize is that while you spend hundreds to purchase these tools, the savings you get in return may not be worth it. According to Consumer Reports, discounts can range from as little as $2 for VIN etching on windows upwards of $8 for tracking devices. The moral of the story is, it isn’t prudent to put forth a large initial investment in these anti-theft products solely for a discount on insurance costs. Only if you are personally wanting the extra protection for your vehicle should you shop around for anti-theft products that work best for you.
  4. When repairs are done, often our clients will think that their insurance will shell out the cash necessary to ensure the car is fixed it is just like new. Unfortunately, many insurance companies have specific repair shops which they limit their customers to use. These shops use substandard replacement parts which allow the insurance companies to cut the cost of the repair bill. It is quite common to get your car back from one of these shops and not be satisfied with the final product.

Finding An Arizona Automobile Accident Injury Lawyer

Debunking Common Car Insurance MythsAfter you have been in an accident in Arizona that was not your fault and you are facing property damages and injuries, you can benefit from speaking with one of our Phoenix automobile accident attorneys at ELG. We will fight on your behalf so that your legal rights are protected and we will review your policy to ensure you understand any limitations that exist.

Call us at (623) 321-0566 to set up your free consultation at either of our locations in Phoenix and Mesa, Arizona for your convenience.