Did You Miss Work Because of Personal Injuries?

Missing work because of a personal injury accident can be very overwhelming. These accidents occur more often than you would think. In 2016, the number of office visits for unintentional injuries was 39.5 million. Furthermore, unintentional injuries are ranked third leading cause of death. Anyone trying to file a lost wages claim must be able to prove that their injuries are affecting their ability to work. This can be difficult to do and you need to make sure you have all of the proper documentation. Fortunately, the personal injury attorneys at ELG have years of experience practicing personal injury law and they know how to prove their injury is related to lost wages. We are fully aware of what insurance companies look for in these claims. Listed below are some helpful tips about wage loss claims.  

Define Lost Wages Claim

At your current job, you earn a certain amount of money daily. If you have been injured in a personal injury accident, you will miss out on that daily compensation if you are unable to show up to work. The Arizona law states that the individual liable for your injuries is responsible for compensating you for your last wages. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always happen and it can create a lot of stress in the lives of injured victims. Making a wage loss claim can be difficult because you have to deal with insurance companies who are only looking out for themselves. They want to pay you the least amount of money possible. The insurance company will never rely on the words of the injured victim. There must be documentation of your hourly wages and the amount of time you missed work because of your injury. 

Important Documentation Is Crucial

Since the insurance companies want evidence, there are a few pieces of documentation that are crucial for your lost wages claim. The first one is your pay stubs. This will prove to insurance companies exactly how much you make each pay period. It will break it down to your daily and hourly pay. This is important to calculate your lost wages. The next important piece of documentation is your employer documents confirming the missed time. The pay stubs might lack specific information on the specific days you missed. Your employer can write a letter specifically stating the days you have missed work so there is no confusion. Lastly, a medical note from your doctor will help you prove why you had to miss work. Often medical providers will require time off work or limited hours after a personal injury accident. This letter will justify your time off work and the severity of your injuries. 

Finding An Arizona Personal Injury Attorney 

How to Make a Successful Claim After an Accident

All personal injury claims are different and have different circumstances that could impact your wage loss claim. Don’t wait to seek legal advice from an attorney about any personal injury accident. The personal injury attorneys at ELG know what it takes to prove every aspect of your claim so you can receive the proper compensation. Don’t let an insurance adjuster ignore your lost wages claim. Set up a consultation today and contact our Phoenix attorneys at ELG today. Call us at either  Phoenix or Mesa Arizona law offices at (623) 321-0566