Electric Scooter Accidents In Arizona
Electric scooters have become extremely popular in large cities and college towns. These scooters allow individuals to hop on and hop off at their convenience. They are a convenient way to travel no matter where you need to go. As they become more popular, it is important to understand the function of these scooters as well as the risks associated with them.
How Electric Scooters Work
Electric scooters have become a popular way for individuals to transport themselves from one location to the next. These scooters are incredibly convenient because you can rent them right off of your smartphone. You download the app associated with the scooter and then rent the scooter through the app. You can ride the scooter as long as you need and when you are finished you cancel the ride and park the scooter in a designated spot.
The scooters are battery-powered which makes them easy to operate. When you rent a scooter, the app will show you how much battery power the scooter has. Every night the scooter companies will drive around to pick them up and charge them all night. In the morning the scooters are dropped off to designated areas around the city. Many different companies own these rental scooters. Some of the most popular companies are Uber, Lyft, Lime, and Bird. These companies have been successful so far and will continue to modify their scooter rental process to ensure it is simple for renters.
Risks of Electric Scooters
Most electric scooters can travel up to 20 mph, which is enough speed to cause injuries if an accident occurs. Accidents can involve other objects, other vehicles, or pedestrians. Since these scooters are small and quick, sometimes drivers can’t see the scooters pass by them. If you pass a car on a busy road it is important to stay far over to the side and drive defensively. Additionally, these scooters don’t have any protection around them and have small wheels. If you are driving a scooter and hit a small pothole or rock in the road, the scooter could lose control. Any small bump in the road could cause the scooter to skid and injure the driver or individuals around them. According to Consumer Reports, at least eight people have died in the United States from driving electric scooters since 2017. Individuals must understand how these electric scooters work, the risks associated with them, and the road laws regarding them so they can ensure a safe ride.
Safety Tips To Avoid Accidents
Driving a scooter around a large city is very convenient and saves time, but it is important to follow these safety tips below to minimize dangerous accidents from occurring.
- Drive defensively
- Wear bright colors
- Understand exactly where you can ride the scooters on the roadway
- Make sure the scooter is working properly
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention conducted a study and found that the electric scooter injury rate was 14.3 per every 100,000 trips taken on a scooter. These simple safety precautions above could help you avoid a scooter accident and life-threatening injuries.
Finding An Arizona Accident Attorney
Electric scooters can offer great transportation options when traveling around a large city or a college town, but they can also be the cause of some very serious injuries. If you have been involved in a scooter accident, contact an Arizona attorney at ELG to determine the best legal options for your case. Our team of Phoenix personal injury attorneys wants to help you fight for your legal rights and recover the maximum amount of compensation. Call us today at either Phoenix or Mesa Arizona law offices at (623) 321-0566 for a consultation with an ELG attorney.
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