How Can You Obtain Legal Representation for Your Child in Arizona?

Just like adults, children can be hurt in accidents and have to endure pain and suffering as a result. They have legal rights too, and they deserve to obtain compensation when they have been victimized by a negligent party. Injuries to children can occur the same way they do to adults, after a car accident, a slip-and-fall on another entity’s property, or a dog bite, to name a few. When your child has been harmed by another party, you should consult with an Arizona serious injury attorney at ELG to have your child’s interests represented. 

What You Should Know About Having Your Child Represented By An Arizona Personal Injury Lawyer

Unlike adults, there are some more steps that must be taken when a child is set to obtain a settlement after their accident. When a court approves a settlement if it exceeds $10,000 a conservator is required. A conservator is a legal term to define a guardian or protector appointed by a judge to assist individuals with financial affairs who cannot care for themselves. Conservators can be appointed to help children, the elderly, or persons that are disabled.

The process by which a conservator is chosen is described in Arizona law § 14-5401. Typically, the conservator is a parent, but in the absence of a suitable parent, another responsible family member may be elected. After the court examins the details of the settlement, a determination will be made as to if it is in the best interest of the child. When the courts decide that the settlement is fair, it is then up to the child’s conservator to settle.

In addition, it is important to the court to ensure the money from the settlement is protected. Children will have these protections until they are 18 years-of-age which makes certain that child will receive the funds once they are an adult. The funds are protected in either a court-restricted bank account or a structured settlement/annuity can be bought and used.

Do You Need To Find Legal Representation For Your Child After An Accident?

Working through the personal injury claim process on behalf of children is a bit more complex than it is for adults. If your child was harmed in an accident and you want to file a claim, it is best to speak with an experienced Phoenix personal injury attorney who has experience representing children.

The bilingual legal team at ELG will examine your case and provide you with options for moving forward with a successful persona injury claim that will best represent the interests of your child. We specialize in personal injury cases and these are the only suits we handle. There are no out-of-pocket costs or payments required until we win your case.

Call us at (623) 321-0566 to set up your free consultation at either of our locations in Phoenix and Mesa, Arizona for your convenience. Our initial consultation will be done with a lawyer, not an “intake person” and it will take very little time.