How Much Compensation Can You Receive for a Head Injury?

Head injuries can range from mild to severe and may negatively impact a person’s quality of life for the long-term. Brain trauma can lead to such serious repercussions as paralysis, cognitive disabilities, chronic pain, emotional disturbance, and even death.No head injury is to be taken lightly. When there are impact and force against the skull even the mildest incidents should be seen by a medical professional. Minor incidents have the ability to also lead to pain and suffering, temporary inability to work, and medical expenses for treatment.

Many situations can cause a person to sustain brain damage including car accidents, slip and falls, sports, or abuse. If you have been injured in an accident that was not your fault and you sustained brain damage, you should contact a knowledgeable Phoenix serious injury attorney to review your case and provide you with a path to pursue compensation for your losses.

What Is The Average Amount of Compensation Victims Of Head Injuries Receive?

The details of each accident are different and every victim’s case is unique. The specifics of the accident and the outcome of your case will determine the amount of compensation you can obtain. For instance, soft tissue damage, which is damage to muscles, ligaments, and tendons could provide a victim with anywhere from a $10,000 to over $100,000 settlement. A soft-tissue head injury would include concussions. 

In cases of catastrophic injuries where considerable medical interventions and treatments are needed over a longer period of time or indefinitely, the settlement can be in the millions. In Florida, a man who was in an accident and suffered extensive brain damage was awarded $26 million.

These are the considerations that go into determining a settlement amount:

  • The extent of all the necessary medical expenses from the treatment you required. This includes the treatment you have already had as well as the cost for any anticipated medical treatment you will need to recover or to continue to exist.
  •  Property damages that may have resulted from the accident. For instance, car accidents are common sources of severe injury and they also result in damage to the vehicle.  Property damages will be the amount needed to repair or replace your vehicle.
  • If you have been unable to work because of your trauma then you unfairly were forced to take time away from work and miss out on the ability to earn an income. Money to recover the wages you lost will be included in your settlement. Additionally, if you have an extended amount of time that you will be unable to work or if you cannot go back to work at all, future lost income costs can also be incorporated into your final settlement amount.
  • Pain and suffering payment will be determined based on how much your accident experience caused you both physically and emotionally.

Where Can You Find An Arizona Serious Injury Law Firm?

How Much Compensation Can You Recieve For A Head InjuryAt ELG, our team of Arizona automobile accident injury attorneys solely focus on personal injury cases. We fight to preserve victim’s legal rights and you don’t pay us a dime unless we win your case.

Contact the bilingual Spanish-speaking Phoenix personal injury attorneys at ELG today at 623-321-0566 to schedule your free consultation.