How to Stay Safe During the Labor Day Holiday

Labor Day weekend is a long weekend for many Americans to hit the road one last time and celebrate all the hard work that our society performs to keep the country running and to say farewell to summer. Americans visit friends and family, spend time cooling off in lakes and beaches, splash around at pools, go camping, and barbeque. While the summer is a time that many slow down and enjoy the outdoors, go on vacations, and spend time in the water, it is also a time of increased dangers. Drivers in the summer are at increased risk of being in an accident. The Insurance Information Insitute says that there is no doubt, the summer is the most dangerous time to drive while the month of March is statistically one of the safest. Additionally, drowning injuries are also increased as more people go and enjoy their favorite swimming holes.

Having fun with loved ones over the holiday weekend is a must, but it is important to know the risks of various activities to stay safe. The American Red Cross has tips to keep everyone safe over the upcoming holiday weekend.

Labor Day Safety Tips

If you are planning on going on a road trip and will be driving, then consider the following tips:

  • Don’t drive if you are sleepy and unable to be fully alert. Only drive when you are well-rested.
  • Ensure that everyone in your car is wearing their seatbelt because seatbelts are proven to reduce the severity of injuries and the risk of death in a car accident.
  • When the sun starts to go down and in the event of inclement weather make sure to turn your headlights on.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol if you will be driving or have the number to a driving service handy. Drunk driving is incredibly dangerous. Arizona drunk driving accidents account for many unnecessary deaths every year. If you are the victim of one, you should contact the Arizona wrongful death attorneys at ELG immediately.
  • Don’t use any electronic devices while you are driving. Keep both eyes on the road and both hands on the wheel.
  • Be extra cautious if you approach a work zone and slow down. 
  • Don’t speed or tailgate vehicles.

If you plan on being outside, the temperatures can get very hot this time of year. These tips can keep you safe in the heat and in the water:

  • Always have water handy and drink throughout the day. When possible, don’t drink dehydrating drinks that contain alcohol or caffeine.
  • Wear loose, light-colored clothes that are breathable.
  • Around 3:00 p.m. tends to be the hottest part of the day, so take it easy if outside during this time.
  • Obey lifeguards’ instructions and beach, lake, or pool guidelines.
  • Only swim in areas where lifeguards are present.
  • Don’t swim if you are inebriated.
  • Always keep a close eye on children in the water. Children are at high-risk for Arizona drowning accidents. 

 Speak with an Arizona Personal Injury Attorney Today

How to Stay Safe During the Labor Day HolidayKeeping all Arizonians safe is something that the Arizona personal injury lawyers at ELG care a tremendous amount about. When accidents do happen, protecting victims’ rights is also our focus. Call the experienced Phoenix serious injury attorneys at ELG to schedule your free consultation at (623)321-0566 if you or a loved one has been injured in an accident.