Phoenix, AZ – Fatal Accident Involving Officer at 75th Ave Intersection

Phoenix, AZ (October 22, 2019) – Maricopa County Police responded to the scene of a fatal accident at the intersection of 75th Avenue and Baseline Road yesterday afternoon.

The crash was deemed a head-on collision between a police vehicle and a passenger vehicle. A deputy in the police cruiser was injured and hospitalized but police have said that they are expected to be okay.

A driver or passenger in the other vehicle passed away at the scene of the collision. Police claim that the crash took place at the border of Phoenix and the Gila River Indian Community.

At this time, the Gila River Police Department has taken over the investigation as it continues.

We would like to offer our condolences to the family of the deceased victim at this time. Our thoughts are with the injured victim and their family in hopes of a full recovery.

Fatal Accidents in Arizona 

Peoria, AZ – Multi-Vehicle Accident with Injuries on AZ-101 LoopThe Arizona Department of Public Safety released information showing that approximately 11,000 accidents that took place last year within the state involved either a catastrophic injury or fatality. Losing a loved one is never an easy thing to face for a family on both emotional and financial levels. These accidents can bring absolute devastation to the families involved. When a victim is killed in a collision due to the negligence of another party, it is crucial that they speak with a skilled Arizona wrongful death attorney as they move forward.

Our attorneys at ELG Law have helped numerous families collect full and fair compensation for their losses following a serious and life-altering collision. There are many damages that stem from these accidents including lost wages, funeral costs, medical bills that a loved one incurred, and more. Our injury attorneys are fully dedicated to helping you during this difficult time as you work toward reimbursement for your losses. Please contact our law firm for more information today at (623) 562-3838.

Note: As a result of the secondary sources that were used to complete this post, the information included within has not been independently verified by our own staff and may include misinformation. If you read something that, to your knowledge, is incorrect, please contact us as soon as possible and we will correct the inaccuracy.

Disclaimer: As members of the local Phoenix and broader Arizona community, we hope everyone in our community is safe and protected. We cover the events included in this blog as a way to offer support to the victims in similar circumstances and to provide relief during these difficult times. However, this information should not be misconstrued as legal advice, and you should speak with a trained legal professional for more information regarding your situation.