Reducing Accidents Through Bicycle Safety
Bicycling is a common outdoor activity in the state of Arizona. It is a healthy and fun activity but it doesn’t come without risk. When one bikes on the roadways, they are at risk of being hit. Due to the lack of surrounding protection, crashes between bicyclists and motor vehicles lead to very devastating outcomes. Every year, cycling accidents cause thousands of injuries and even deaths throughout the country. If you have been injured on the road by a car while you were biking, you need proper legal representation. The Arizona bicycle lawyers at ELG can evaluate your experience and provide you with guidance to move forward with pursuing a personal injury claim.
Bicycle Accident Numbers
The Center for Disease Control (CDC) reports that over 450,000 injuries occurred to bicyclists in the year 2015. The fallout from these injuries can be significant. During the year 2016, there were over 800 cyclists died throughout the country. The highest risk areas for bike accidents are congested and busy streets of urban cities. Over 70 percent of fatal crashes take place in urban areas.
Evening hours during the time when most cars are on the road leaving work for the day proves to often be the riskiest time for bikers. The time frame of 6 p.m. through 9 p.m. poses the greatest danger for accidents to bicyclists.
Bicyclist Safety
Bicyclists can decrease the risk of accidents through proactive behaviors.
- Like seat belts for cars, helmets for cyclists are a safe way to protect your most important organ–your brain. Head injuries are very common during bike accidents and the best and most effective way you can protect your noggin is to put a layer between it and anything that could come into violent contact with it.
- Visibility is extremely important especially during times when visibility is low. Wearing bright colors and reflective gear, especially blinking pins and lights that make you stand out on the roadways and alert drivers that you are present. This can help others see you much more clearly.
- Forget about drinking and cycling. Similar to drinking and driving, the same way that drinking can cause numerous issues cognitively and physically to the body which increases risks of accidents for motor vehicle operators, bicyclists will also need to be wary of operating a bike under the influence. It is easy that a cyclist can use poor judgment or lose coordination while on the bike which can directly be related to a serious crash with a stationary object or with a car on the roads.
Finding An Arizona Bicycle Accident Attorney
If you were engaged in safe driving practices as a bicyclist and were hit and injured by a negligent driver on the road, you could have a valid and strong personal injury claim that must be filed to receive compensation for your injuries. The Arizona bicycle accident attorneys at ELG can help you recoup the costs associated with your injuries and damages. Our experienced team of Phoenix bicycle accident attorneys will examine the details of your accident experience build a strong personal injury claim on your behalf. Call us today at either Phoenix or Mesa Arizona law offices at (623) 562-3838 to discuss your claim with one of our attorneys.
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