Should You Wait to Pay Your Medical Bills After an Arizona Accident?

There are over 135 million cars on the roads every day across the country and with 6 million accidents every year in the United States, accidents are quite common. In 2015, there were almost 54,000 people injured in Arizona car accidents. In 2018 there were almost 250,000 crashes in the state.

If you or a loved one were injured in an accident you likely have many questions about what happens next. One of the most important questions you are probably asking yourself is where are you going to get the money to pay for your damages. It can feel very scary and overwhelming when you are seeing those expensive bills come in and if you are unable to work, not bringing home a paycheck puts you in a position where you begin to lose hope. If the accident was not your fault, speaking with an Arizona automobile accident attorney immediately to get the personal injury claims process started is in your best interest.

Is Waiting To Pay Medical Bills After An Arizona Accident Helpful?

Not every accident will be the same, some are more severe than others, but any injuries that result from accidents will require medical treatment. On average, a non-incapacitating injury can cost $26,000 in medical care while the average cost of an incapacitating injury could be as high as $90,000 and more. Medical bills after an Arizona car accident are expensive. Who foots the bill for these high costs?

You may think that it is best to just wait them out until your claim is resolved but is this the best strategy? You can wait until your personal injury claim awards you a settlement that you can use towards your medical bills. However, this is a risky decision because many things can come up which can delay your claim reaching its resolution. The long time you are left waiting for your settlement is not helping you pay for your mounting medical bills. Medical providers will send bills for their payment and may resort to contacting collection agencies to ask you for the money. For this reason, paying your bills through your health insurance is the preferred way to handle costs while you are waiting for your settlement. Then you can use the money from your settlement as reimbursement for your costs. If you do not have health insurance, your attorney can advise you on other options that may help you with the up-front costs.

How Can You Obtain the Most Compensation For Your Damages After an Arizona Accident?

Should You Wait To Pay Your Medical Bills After An Arizona AccidentStatistically, when a victim works with a knowledgeable lawyer, they have a much higher possibility of winning their case and obtaining the most compensation possible for their damages and losses. The Phoenix personal injury attorneys at ELG only work on personal injury cases. This arms us with the specialized experience and full attention towards providing focused and detailed legal support for Arizona personal injury cases. There is a two-year statute of limitations in the state of Arizona for you to file your personal injury claim for compensation. That is not a lot of time, so it is very important that you not delay in contacting an attorney.

Call the Phoenix accident injury attorneys at ELG today at (623) 321-0566 to schedule your free consultation.