The Dangers of Riding a Motorcycle

As summer is approaching and the sunshine is out, many individuals will be riding their motorcycles on the Arizona roadways. This can be a thrilling experience for many individuals as it feels great to be riding outside in the sun. However, riding a motorcycle comes with many more risks than driving a car. These riders need to be able to balance the thrill of riding along with the risks that are associated with them. Everyone should be aware of the dangers of motorcycles so they are more aware while driving. 

Road Hazards

There many different road hazards that can make it challenging to ride a motorcycle. These hazards range from debris to potholes to other drivers being unaware while driving. If a motorcyclist goes over a pothole, they could severely injure themselves. Motorcycles don’t offer any protection so the motorcyclist could fly off the bike if they run over a big pothole. If this happens, they could suffer life-threatening injuries or even be involved in a fatal accident. In 2017 alone, there were a total of 5,172 fatal motorcycle accidents. It is important to be extra alert when riding a motorcycle. 

Weather Conditions

Different weather conditions can affect a motorcyclist’s ability to drive. If it starts to heavy rain or hail, your vision may be impaired. The roads will become very slippery and it only takes one quick turn to slip off your bike. Furthermore, high winds can make it difficult for a motorcyclist to drive through. The wind can pull motorcycles into another driving lane, which could cause an accident with another driver. In the state of Arizona, there were a total of 2,738 motorcycle accidents in 2018. 

Other Drivers

You can’t trust any other drivers on the roadways. You never know if someone is distracted while driving. You also should never assume that another driver can see you on your motorcycle. Since they are much smaller than cars, they can hide in the worst blind spots. Always drive defensively if you are riding next to other cars on the road. 

Motorcycle Driving Skill Level

Driving a motorcycle requires great control of your body to stay on the bike. You can take safety courses and wear protective gear, but unfortunately, accidents still occur. No matter how experienced you are, you are never too experienced to continuously hone your riding skills to stay safe. Always keep safety on your mind when you get on your motorcycle. 

Finding An Arizona Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Arizona’s Motorcycle Helmet Laws and You

If you have sustained injuries in a motorcycle accident, reach out to a motorcycle accident attorney for help. It is very important to have a trustworthy legal team on your side. The team of Phoenix attorneys at ELG wants to assist you with your entire accident claim. We will evaluate your accident, give you our best legal advice, and help you file a legal claim. Find out today how our motorcycle accident attorneys at ELG can help you. Call us at either Phoenix or Mesa Arizona law offices at (623) 321-0566 to set up a consultation.