The Facts About Dirt Bike Injuries

Bicycling in all forms is a common outdoor activity in the state of Arizona. From skateboarding to dirt biking and beyond, these recreational hobbies are popular throughout the state.

However, dirt biking can present unique dangers to those who ride. Due to the lack of surrounding protection, crashes can lead to devastating outcomes. If you have sustained injuries while dirt biking, proper legal representation is vital. Staying aware of the dangers and common injuries associated with dirt biking is of utmost importance.

Bicycle Accident Numbers

Per a report from the Centers for Disease Control, more than 450,000 bicycle injuries occurred in 2015 alone. And the next year, over 800 cyclists died throughout the country. The highest risk areas for bike accidents are congested urban cities, though dirt bike injuries are common in rural locales.

Furthermore, riders often suffer from broken bones in dirt bike accidents. These injuries most frequently occur in the hands, arms and lower extremities. Plus, broken bones could take weeks or months to heal, with most patients having to take time away from work. 

Spine and back injuries can also occur. And these injuries are typically much more serious. For example, the spinal column has delicate vertebrae and discs that could sustain serious damage in a dirt bike accident. A crash could fracture a vertebra, causing a painful back problem or even severing the spinal cord. A severe spinal cord injury, however, can cause permanent loss of feeling and sensation, resulting in paralysis. Paraplegia is paralysis in the lower limbs, while quadriplegia is paralysis in all four limbs and the trunk of the body.

Abrasion Injuries 

Off-roading on a dirt bike comes with the risk of abrasion injuries. Dirt bike riders may encounter objects such as tree branches, sharp rocks, and rough terrain. Collisions with these objects could cause lacerations or skin abrasions, or road rash. And these rocks and pebbles scraping the skin in an accident could cause road rash or traumatic tattooing. This is particularly true if the rider does not use any protective wear. Bikers should always wear riding pants, a riding jersey, knee, and hip pads, elbow guards, gloves, and riding boots.

Dirt Bike Safety

Those who ride dirt bikes can decrease the risk of accidents through proactive, safe practices.

  • Like seat belts for cars, helmets for cyclists are a safe way to protect your most important organ: your brain. 
  • Visibility is extremely important especially during times when visibility is low. Wearing bright colors and reflective gear, especially blinking pins and lights that make you stand out on the roadways and alert drivers that you are present. 
  • Don’t bike under the influence. Drinking and cycling can be just as dangerous as driving under the influence.

Arizona Bicycle Accident Attorney

If you’ve sustained injuries on a dirt bike, the Arizona bicycle accident attorneys at ELG can help you recoup the costs associated with your injuries and damages. Our experienced team of accident attorneys will examine the details of your experience to build a strong personal injury claim on your behalf. Call us today at (623) 562-3838 to discuss your claim with one of our compassionate, skilled attorneys.