The Rising Problem of Texting While Driving

You see it all the time on the road, you may even do it yourself when you drive. Texting while driving is very common. People have a difficult time putting their phones down even when their life and others they are with depend on it. As a driver, it is extremely important that the only thing you are focusing on is operating your vehicle safely. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that distracted driving is anything that takes your mind and your eyes off of the road or takes your hands off of the wheel. Texting while driving is a form of distracted driving and it is incredibly dangerous.

According to one survey, four out of five drivers that own cellphones admit that when they are behind the wheel they will also text. Distracted driving such as texting while you are driving is a leading cause of traffic accidents. The brain cannot fully focus on driving if it’s also being forced to focus on another activity. When drivers are distracted, their reaction time to hazards is decreased and they are more likely to miss hazards. If you were hit by a driver that was texting, you could have a strong case to file an Arizona personal injury claim to obtain compensation. Speaking to an Arizona serious injury lawyer is a concrete way you can determine if you have a case that warrants a legal suit.

What You Should Know About Texting While Driving

Even the most experienced driver can cause an accident if they are distracting themselves by texting. Several safety campaigns have been shown to be ineffective at stopping the texting while driving problem. Distracted drivers who are using their phones while behind the wheel and causing accidents are still rising. It is reported that approximately 88% of drivers use their phones in some capacity while on the road.

It is a common misconception that using one’s phone while driving is not unsafe. Drivers that believe that they can securely use their phones while they operate their vehicles are putting themselves and anyone around them at risk for injury or death. Young people specifically, with their innate feeling of being indestructible, are the biggest culprits. Teens are four-times likely than adults to use their phones when they are driving. Research in the Journal of Adolescent Health reports that in a study of over 101,000 teenagers, close to 40% used their phones to text or e-mail while they were driving.

Hands-free devices would seem like a feasible alternative to holding a phone, but even in this case, you can still be distracted by your earpiece or cellphone. Bluetooth style products that stream through your car may be the best way to stay connected without causing too much distraction for drivers. Arizona texting and driving laws include SB 1261 which can fine first-time offenders up to $99 and upwards of $200 for repeat offenders.

Do You Need to Recover Costs After an Arizona Accident?

The Rising Problem Of Texting While DrivingIf you have been hit and injured by a distracted driver, the Arizona serious injury lawyers at ELG have extensive experience representing victims of Arizona car crashes. We will fight so that you obtain the compensation you deserve for your damages.

Call the Spanish-speaking bilingual Arizona personal injury lawyers at ELG at (623) 321-0566 to schedule your free consultation.