What are the Different Levels of a Coma?

If your loved one was in an accident that left them unconscious and in a coma, you are most likely worried about how long they will be incapacitated and if they will ever come to. These concerns are understandable. Many studies and intensive research has gone into looking at comas and how they manifest in people as well as how people are affected after they come out of a coma. In the most severe cases, when a victim goes into a deep vegetative state, their ability to come out of the coma is quite complex. Not only is it difficult to come out of a very serious coma, but even if a victim is able, they are still facing a 50% probability that they are going to have to endure major impairments that will affect their quality of life. They may also require long-term care to manage everyday life with the condition or disability they are working with.

The costs associated with medical treatment and the permanent inability to work and earn an income put coma victims at a significant disadvantage. When you have been in an Arizona injury accident where another party acted negligently and contributed to causing the accident, you should speak with the Arizona personal injury attorneys at ELG for help with your Arizona personal injury claim.

How do Doctors Assess a Coma Patient?

What are the Different Levels of a ComaWhen a patient comes into the hospital and they are in a coma, doctors use the Glasgow Coma Scale to rate how severe their condition is. The scale has three categories:

  1. Verbal reactions are rated from 1 to 5 and a 5 is considered normal.
  2. Motor reactions are rated from 1 to 6 and a 6 is considered normal.
  3. Eye-opening abilities are rated from a 1 to 4 scale with a 4 being considered normal.

In each of these categories, the higher number indicates how close to normal the patient is. Higher numbers tell doctors that the patient is suffering a more mild case of coma. The good news for patients and loved ones is that when a patient has a mild coma, their chances of waking and coming out of the condition is increased. The statistics show that approximately 87% of patients that score an 11 from the scale will wake and be able to overcome their condition. On the other hand, those that barely are assigned a 4 have a higher probability that they will be unable to wake and will remain comatose.

Speak with an Arizona Personal Injury Attorney Today About Your Arizona Injury Accident

In the blink of an eye, your whole life can change when you are involved in a Phoenix injury accident. When you or a loved one suffers a coma, the potential that you will have to live your life with the assistance of machines or if you can wake that your physical and mental health can be severely damaged are real considerations. It is important that you obtain the most compensation because you will have considerable costs for the care that you will need and the Phoenix serious injury attorneys at ELG will not let up, but fight relentlessly until you get the compensation you need. Call the Phoenix personal injury lawyers at ELG today at (623) 321-0566 to schedule your free consultation.