What Happens After An Arizona Dog Bite Attack?

Across the United States, dogs are among the most common pet found in the majority of homes. While most dog owners work hard to keep their dogs socialized and friendly, they also are responsible for their pets ensuring they are leashed or held behind a gated yard. Dogs can be tricky and if they get out and bite another individual, the owner of the dog can be liable for the resulting damages their dog inflicted on another person.

If you have been bitten by a dog, do you know what to do? After a dog attack, if you know the owner, you can speak with them and see if they will agree to pay for the costs of your medical care. If they are uncooperative, it is important that you obtain legal representation so that you can acquire the compensation you deserve for your damages. The Arizona dog bite attorneys at ELG will help you get the maximum amount of compensation for your injuries.

What Are Arizona’s Dog Bite Laws?

A victim who was bitten by a dog in Arizona must be able to prove that their injuries were caused by the dog bite. They must also show that the attack happened in either a public place or a private place where they were legally allowed to be. The law only covers those victims who have been bitten by a dog and the bite caused their injuries. Any other injury sustained by a dog is not cover under Arizona’s dog bite laws

For instance, if you are walking in a public park and a dog runs over to you and bites your arm, you may have a case backed by the law. On the other hand, if you are walking in a public park and a dog runs over to you and knocks you down causing you to sustain injuries from falling, the dog bite laws would not apply. If you are unsure if your dog attack situation warrants a suit, speaking with a Phoenix serious injury attorney is a good way to get your questions answered.

In Arizona, dog bites are governed by a strict liability law. This means that it doesn’t matter what the owner knows about their dog’s tendencies. Even if the owner does not believe or is unaware that their dog would bite they are still liable for the injuries their dog inflicts through a bite to another party. Additionally, even if the dog has no history of biting they are still liable.

What Defense Can a Dog Owner Use Against a Victim?

What Happens After An Arizona Dog Bite AttackThere are instances that will make it very difficult for a dog bite victim to obtain compensation. If a victim was provoking or teasing a dog, this can be used to invalidate a claim. The other defense that a dog owner can use is that if a victim was unlawfully trespassing on a property and as a result was bitten by a dog, they may not be able to mount a suit.

After your dog attack experience, call the Phoenix dog bite injury attorneys at ELG today at (623) 321-0566 to schedule your free consultation.