What Happens During an Arizona Personal Injury Claim?

So you were injured in an Arizona accident and are pursuing your options for compensation. You have decided that you think an Arizona personal injury claim is the way to go. If this is the case there are plenty of considerations to take into account. First, the process is not easy, it can be quite time-consuming and there are many factors to think about. Above all, knowing Arizona personal injury law is extremely important to the success of your claim.

The process can be drawn-out and stressful, there is no doubt. Unless you are a trained personal injury lawyer or fully versed in the law when it comes to personal injury cases, it is best to speak with an Arizona serious injury attorney after an accident where you were injured. A legal professional can examine your case, provide you with the best options for moving forward in your efforts to pursue compensation, answer all of your questions, fight on your behalf, and even more importantly, take some of the pressures and worries off of your plate. Every case is unique making the way a claim is executed differ from between victims.

What Happens When You Start the Personal Injury Claim Process?

It is possible what you believe to be a valid claim in the eyes of the law isn’t or that it may have been but the time has expired where you had the ability to be compensated. For instance, if it has been more than two years since your accident it is highly unlikely that you will be able to file a claim because the statute of limitations in Arizona to file a personal injury claim is two years from the date of the accident. When you consult with a Phoenix personal injury attorney they can tell you if you have a claim as well as give you an idea of the damages you can sue for as well as what a fair settlement amount would look like. 

Your lawyer will collect all the evidence and documentation regarding the accident and your injuries such as medical records, phone records, the police report, photos of the property damage and accident scene, and speaking to witnesses. Some cases may require an expert witness or will need the accident to be reconstructed. Once all the details are thoroughly inspected, your attorney will determine a fair number for your settlement and then file a demand letter for it. 

The defendant and their attorney or their insurance company will read the demand letter and either accept it, reject it, or they may counter by offering an alternative amount with their documentation as to why. If you come to a point where you are unable to settle your case, your attorney will file a personal injury lawsuit that will go to court. During the time before your court date, your attorney and the defendant’s team will begin to compile their evidence and build their case. At any point before your court date, there is still time to come to a resolution and the case can settle preventing the need to go to court. In most situations, the majority of cases end up settling and don’t make it to court.  However, if your case does move onto the court, it will be up to the jury or the judge to determine the outcome.

Are You Ready to Speak with an Arizona Personal Injury Attorney?

What Happens During an Arizona Personal Injury ClaimELG is a personal injury law firm that focuses completely on personal injury cases in the state of Arizona. Don’t wait to call the Phoenix personal injury lawyers at ELG at (623) 321-0566.