What Happens When You’re Injured and Unable to Work?

What Happens When You’re Injured and Unable to Work?

If you have been hurt in an accident while you are on the job, what happens if your injuries are so great you are unable to return to work? Workers’ compensation benefits are one source of revenue to help those who are unable to work due to being injured at their job. Filing a claim can provide you with the support you need to help you with your medical costs and for some of the wages, you lost while you were out of work. 

There are instances when the benefits you receive from your Arizona workers’ compensation claim aren’t enough to pay for all the expenses you incur after your accident. Depending on the details of your situation, you may be able to file a personal injury claim or a product liability claim. If negligence on the part of your employer was a factor in your accident, a personal injury claim against your employer would be worth your time to look into. If a defective product was a cause of your accident, a product liability claim against the manufacturer would be the way to go. When you are unsure if your accident qualifies for a civil suit, speaking with an Arizona serious injury attorney is the best way to learn about your options for pursuing additional compensation after your accident.

What Do You Do if You are Permanently Disabled After an Arizona Accident?

When you file an Arizona personal injury claim against another party who caused your permanent injuries, you can sue for an appropriate amount of compensation to cover your current and future costs. These costs would be determined by looking at all your expenses such as paying for medical care and will also include calculating the income you would have earned if you were able to work. Catastrophic injury cases can see very high settlements, as there are no caps on damages in the state of Arizona.

There are situations where a coworker or an employer was negligent or reckless and that unmindful behavior was the cause of your accident. The person or group of people that caused you to harm is responsible for paying for your damages. To hold them accountable, you must file a Phoenix personal injury claim.

Do You Need an Arizona Personal Injury Lawyer?

What Happens When Your Injured And Unable To Work?If you are an “at-will” employee, meaning you can lose your job at any time and for any reason without notice, your risk for losing your position if you are out of work for some time due to injury is high. Individuals who are temporarily disabled that obtain workers’ compensation benefits must also know that these benefits are usually capped in the number of funds you can receive. In some cases, you have the opportunity to train for a new job if you are unable to perform the tasks associated with your old one. While you are training you will be provided with a portion of the wages you earned in your previous job.

Being out of work, unable to work, or unable to do the job you used to do can take a toll on a person’s mental health. If you have extended costs that aren’t covered by workers’ compensation benefits, and there was negligence involved in your case, speak with the Phoenix personal injury attorneys at ELG today. Call the Arizona personal injury lawyers at ELG at (623) 877-3600 to schedule your free, no-obligation consultation.