What to Do When Your Car Has Been Vandalized in Arizona?

Sometimes life is not fair. This is certainly true when you go out to your car and find that it has been vandalized. Whether it’s a scratched up paint job, a hit-and-run where another car smashed into yours and took off, or your windows were senselessly bashed–you now have a headache on your hands and a costly one at that. There are steps you can take to try and document the damages and recoup costs for repair work. While you may still have to foot the bill for your deductible, depending on your situation you can minimize the financial impact of the repair work that will need to be done. 

What Do You Do After Your Car Has Been Vandalized?

After you sustained property damages to your vehicle at the hands of an inconsiderate vandal, take these steps:

  1. Call the police to alert them of the crime. Calling the police straightaway increases law enforcement’s ability to catch the perpetrator who is responsible for your personal property damages. The longer you wait to talk to the authorities, the more time the delinquent has to getaway. The other reason that you should contact the police immediately is that when you file your insurance claim, your provider is going to ask for an Arizona police report.
  2. Document all damages with as much detail as possible. Take pictures of all the damage from various angles to clearly show the destruction that was done. Any recent photos of your vehicle are also helpful to establish a timeline of when the vandalism took place.
  3. Call your insurance provider once you have all of your documentation including photos and your Arizona police report. Your provider will ask you for a description of the damages, if you have any pictures, to list the additional personal property that may have been stolen out of your vehicle, and if you are still paying for our vehicle then the lender information will be requested.

The insurance company may send out a claims adjuster to look over the damages before they execute your claim. During this time, you may have to take additional measures to prevent further damage to your vehicle. For instance, if windows were broken, you will need to have them covered to protect the inside of your car from the outside elements such as rain. 

If you carry comprehensive coverage the costs for repairs to your vehicle should be paid for through that policy. However, there will be a deductible that you will be responsible to pay. If you are lucky, and the police find the individual responsible for vandalizing your vehicle, you may have the opportunity to get the money from your deductible back.

Do You Need Legal Help Filing A Claim With Your Insurance Company In Arizona?

What To Do When Your Car Has Been Vandalized In ArizonaIf you are having difficulty filing a claim with your insurance company, call the Phoenix automobile accident injury attorneys at ELG today. Our Arizona personal injury lawyer will look over your vandalism claim and help you retrieve the money you need for the repairs. ELG’s team of  Arizona personal injury lawyers can be reached at (623) 321-0566 to schedule your free, no-obligation consultation.