When is it Time to Replace Your Child’s Car Seat?

Car accidents happen every day across the United States. Approximately 6 million will take place each year in our country. It is important to be prepared every time you hit the road because the future is untold until it happens. Taking the proper precautions such as obeying the rules of the road, staying alert, not allowing yourself to get distracted, and keeping your passengers appropriately restrained is essential to a safe trip and reducing the risk for serious injuries should an accident still occur. 

The  National Safety Council (NSC) reported 636 children under the age of 13 who died in car crashes in 2018. Children’s small stature makes them extra vulnerable to severe injuries in an accident which is why it is so incredibly important that they are properly restrained based on their height and weight. If you have been in an Arizona car accident and you or your child was injured, you deserve to receive the most compensation possible for your damages from the liable party. The Arizona automobile accident injury attorneys at ELG will compose a strong case on your behalf and fight with vigor to ensure that you are fairly compensated.

Is it Time to Replace Your Child’s Car Seat?

If your child’s car seat has not been involved in any accidents, you can expect about six years of functionality out of it. However, it just takes one accident, even a fender-bender, to be enough that you do away with the car seat and get yourself a new one. Any amount of force on a car seat puts it at risk to become less effective at protecting your child. At the end of the day, your child’s well-being matter the most, so when you experience a traffic incident with your child’s car seat in the car, take the necessary steps to replace it so that the next time your child is in the car you can feel confident that they are restrained properly for their safety.

Sometimes you have to act earlier than six years to replace your child’s safety seat, even when it has not been involved in an accident. When a car seat manufacturer issues a recall you should heed the warnings and go through the process of returning your seat and getting a new one. Typically, you aren’t going to get targeted information on a product you buy if you haven’t registered it. So when you buy a child safety seat, look at the manufacturer’s registration requirements, and proactively register your seat immediately so that you have your information on record and will be assured that you will get any notices of recalls.

Find An Arizona Automobile Accident Attorney

When is it Time to Replace Your Child's Car SeatAfter you purchase your chosen car seat, it is critically important to register it as well as ensure that the car seat is installed correctly. If you are unsure about how to follow the directions, you can contact your local police station to obtain information on where to go or who to call for expert installation support. 

Feel confident knowing that if you are in an accident and you or your child are injured in the accident, you have the experienced Arizona serious injury attorneys at ELG to provide you with the effective legal representation you need to build and win your personal injury claim. Call the Phoenix personal injury attorneys at ELG today at (623) 321-0566 to set up your free consultation.