Are Young Male Drivers the Most Dangerous Driving Group?

Studies show that teens are the highest risk group for car accidents. Teens aged 16-19 have the highest rate of fatal accidents out of all demographics. In specific, though, younger males report significantly higher rates of fatal accidents than their female counterparts.  There are several reasons including that men tend to drive much more than females. Additionally, the Insurance Insitute for Highway Safety reports that not only do men drive more miles but they also engage in more risky behaviors when they are driving including speeding, not wearing a seatbelt, and driving while intoxicated. All of these behaviors are heavily linked to the most severe automobile accidents that take place every year across the country.

If you have been in an Arizona car accident the Arizona car accident attorneys at ELG can examine the details of your case and educate you on your options for pursuing compensation. The Phoenix automobile accident injury attorneys at ELG will answer all of your questions and inform you of what your legal rights are to recover money for all of your losses.

What Does the Research Show About Gender Difference In Car Accidents?

Are Young Male Drivers the Most Dangerous Driving GroupAlmost every year during the span of 1975 to 2018 fatal male crashes occurred at a rate two times higher than fatal crash rates for women. From 2016 to 2017 males were responsible for 63% of all the fatal driver crashes. Younger male drivers, those aged 16-29 had the highest amount of reported fatal driver crashes.

Because we know that driver behavior and error is behind 98% of all traffic accidents, it only makes sense that male drivers who engage in risky driving behaviors would have such high rates of death when behind the wheel. It isn’t just drivers though where the statistics show males die more often in crashes. Also from 1975 to 2018, male vehicle occupant death rates were up to 2.6 times higher in males than they were in females.

These facts may help parents understand why car insurance rates are so often much more expensive for their sons than they are for their daughters. In 2018 alone, there were 25,841 motor vehicle deaths that were male. That same year, females made up 10,676 deaths. In 2018 the following was true:

  • Males made up 71% of all driver deaths
  • Males made up 48% of all passenger vehicle deaths
  • Males made up 97% of large truck driver deaths
  • Males made up 71% of all large truck passenger deaths
  • Males made up 69% of all pedestrian deaths
  • Males made up 86% of all bicyclist deaths
  • Males made up 91% of all motorcyclist deaths

Connect with an Arizona Car Accident Attorney Today

As parents, you always are concerned and have a feeling of anxiety when your child hits the road. Inexperienced, younger drivers have very high rates of car accidents that result in both injuries and death. When you or a loved one were injured or lost their lives in an Arizona automobile accident, you deserve to receive the most compensation possible for your losses. The Spanish-speaking, bilingual Phoenix serious injury attorneys at ELG only work on Arizona personal injury cases. We can help you see your full legal justice. Schedule your free consultation today by calling the Phoenix personal injury attorneys at (623) 321-0566.