Can Truck Drivers Still Drive After a Drug Conviction?

Driving while under the influence is extremely dangerous, not to mention illegal. Any driver who gets behind the wheel intoxicated puts the health and well-being of not just themselves, but everyone around them on or near the road they are traveling in tremendous danger. When a trucker is inebriated and driving the perils for others on the roads increases substantially. When large commercial trucks get into car accidents, they often inflict massive damages, bodily harm, and in the most severe cases, death. 

If you have been hit by a large commercial truck in Arizona, you need the most experienced and effective legal representation fighting on your behalf. The Arizona truck accident attorneys at ELG have extensive experience providing victims of large truck accidents in the greater Phoenix area to see their full legal justice and obtain as much compensation as possible from their Arizona personal injury claim.

Are Commercial Truck Drivers Allowed To Continue to Drive if They Have Been Convicted of Drug Charges?

Can Truck Drivers Still Drive After a Drug ConvictionOne would think that because the job of a truck driver is to drive, any potential risk that a driver has for ingesting drugs should render that individual unable to engage in this profession. The amount of damage that large Arizona truck accidents can inflict on the public is so substantial, that a trucking company cannot take any chances with their drivers. However, there are many factors that make reporting a truck driver who was arrested for a drug charge or arrested for driving while on drugs to their employer, not a cut-and-dry process. There are several reasons why these incidents do not smoothly get communicated to a trucking company and as a result, a high-risk truck driver is never flagged by the company and taken off of the job.

Many truck drivers don’t just stay in the state where they reside. A lot of large commercial truck drivers will drive through several states to get to their location and drop off their goods. Currently, there are no established laws that dictate if a trucker is pulled over and arrested for driving while intoxicated, that the incident will get back to the trucking company that they work for. As a result, when these incidents happen, they aren’t expediently reported to the state the truck driver originated from and they also don’t funnel back to the trucking company the truck driver works for. 

While incidents that happen in the state where a truck driver resides and where his company is located have a better chance of ensuring that officials in the state and the trucking company are notified about the events, the flow of information isn’t streamlined and as effective as it could be. Often, incidents go unreported for one reason or glitch or another, and the trucking company never hears about the issue with their drivers.

Speak with an Arizona Truck Accident Attorney Today

It is quite unfair to the public that high-risk truck drivers are still allowed to travel about on the roads throughout the country and the state of Arizona putting everyone at risk. If you were injured in an Arizona 18-wheeler accident, call the Phoenix serious injury attorneys immediately to schedule a free consultation at (623) 321-0566.