Do Drivers Ignore the Risks of Dangerous Driving Habits?
The majority of drivers know what dangerous driving practices are, and they agree that engaging in them is a serious risk for themselves and others. Yet, many drivers continue to do them anyway. As the country reopens there are more people heading out on the roads, and with them are their bad habits. According to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, their research has shown that drivers across the country are driving improperly at a very high rate.
Unsafe driving practices lead to crashes. When a person chooses to be distracted behind the wheel, drive while intoxicated, or speed, they are endangering everyone. When you have been in an Arizona car accident that was caused by the reckless behavior of another party, you are entitled to receive compensation for all of the damage you sustained. The Arizona car accident attorneys at ELG will review your case and advise you of your best legal options to obtain the money you need and deserve.
How Prevalent are Dangerous Drivers?
According to the AAA Foundation’s findings, individuals that have been in at least one accident within the last two years are more inclined to continue to be unsafe behind the wheel by engaging in activities that are dangerous such as speeding and texting. These individuals aren’t even motivated to stop the behavior when they know the police are near them and could potentially pull them over. Of the participants in the AAA Foundation survey, 50% of respondents who had been in a crash said that they still used a handheld device while driving, versus 42% who had not been in a crash. The same phenomenon occurred with texting and driving, where 43% had been in a crash and still do it while 27% who do it but have not been in a crash. Running a red light was another instance where those involved in a crash still do it at a higher rate, 39% to 30%.
For some people, a crash isn’t enough to stop them from poor driving practices. These findings were from a survey done in 2019. Comparing the data from 2018 to 2019, though, it appears that the trend of unsafe driving is decreasing. While it is a good thing that drivers seem to be making efforts to limit their risky behavior while driving, the number of unsafe drivers on the road is still high. Being a responsible driver is an important part of staying safe, but you can’t stop another driver from doing something reckless. If you have been in a Phoenix car accident that was caused by the negligence of another driver, don’t wait to see a Phoenix personal injury attorney to protect your legal rights.
Speak with an Arizona Personal Injury Attorney Today
With the help of a Phoenix serious injury attorney at ELG, you can be sure that your best interests will be represented and that you will receive as much compensation as possible for your losses. Call today to schedule your free, no-obligation consultation at (623)321-0566 and you can speak with one of ELG’s talented and aggressive Phoenix car accident attorneys.
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