How You Can Afford to Work with an Arizona 18-Wheeler Accident Attorney

After an Arizona 18-wheeler accident, it is understandable if you are confused and scared about what your options are to pay for medical care, lost wages when you are unable to work, serious property damages, along with other damages you incurred as the result of your accident. Statistically, when a victim of a traffic accident works with an experienced attorney, they increase their ability to obtain compensation and the amount of money in their settlement is also higher than if they try to take on the legal system alone. It is a common misconception that attorneys are so expensive that they are out of reach for certain individuals that don’t have the financial means to hire help.

This is where attorneys that work on what is called a “contingency” make obtaining legal support an option for anyone who wants it. The Phoenix serious injury attorneys at ELG work on contingency. This means that when they take your case, you don’t have to pay anything unless they win your case for you. When you work with the Arizona 18-wheeler accident attorneys at ELG you will have customer-focused support, skillful legal guidance, and aggressive representation against liable parties.

What is Contingency?

How You Can Afford to Work with an Arizona 18-Wheeler Accident AttorneyWhen it comes to Pheonix semi-trailer truck accidents, the destruction is often catastrophic. The compensation to victims who sustained such significant injuries and damages should align with the harm and losses they suffered. The Phoenix large truck accident attorneys at ELG know what information to look for and how to construct a successful case on behalf of their clients for the most compensation possible.

The way that a lawyer who works on contingency gets paid is by receiving a portion of your settlement after your case has been successfully litigated and won. This is very helpful for those that need to pay their bills, such as medical expenses, while their Arizona personal injury case is still active. For the most part, an attorney’s fees will be anywhere from 30-40% of the amount you receive in your settlement. For example, if your final settlement is $100,000 your attorney could be paid $30,000 while you are paid $70,000. That allows you to get a fair settlement without having to pay any money out of your pocket when you agree to work with an attorney and have your Phoenix serious injury claim move forward.

Speak with an Arizona 18-Wheeler Accident Attorney Today

The Arizona personal injury attorneys at ELG stay current and up-to-date on all Arizona injury laws, have extensive experience negotiating with insurance companies, and substantial knowledge of what elements are necessary to build a successful personal injury claim. The Spanish-speaking, bilingual Arizona personal injury attorneys at ELG will help you with your Phoenix personal injury claim. To schedule your free, no-obligation consultation where you can learn more about your options for obtaining the maximum amount of compensation, call ELG today at (623) 321-0566.

The attorneys at ELG serve all victims of injury accidents in Mesa, Phoenix, and the surrounding areas. ELG also offers remote intake for your safety.