The Dangers of Blind Spots for Truckers

The Dangers of Blind Spots for Truckers

Truck accidents are some of the most disastrous especially when these large vehicles collide with smaller automobiles. The destruction can be significant. Serious injuries and even death are not uncommon. Even though accidents involving trucks are not as frequently seen on the road as those between two smaller passenger vehicles or light trucks and buses when trucks are involved in an accident they are often colliding with smaller vehicles. 

Why Do Truck Accidents Happen?

There are many reasons for truck accidents. There is no doubt that drowsiness and even substance abuse are prevalent amongst truck drivers. Both drowsiness and driving while intoxicated are both leading causes of accidents in all vehicles. There is another frequently cited reason behind truck crashes and that is due to the inability for a trucker to see smaller cars next to them on the road.

It many instances, truck drivers who are involved in crashes will say they simply didn’t see the other car driving near them. As a result, they will engage in behaviors that they wouldn’t if they knew another car was near them. Switching lanes or stopping may seem unexpected to the passenger vehicle near them but to the trucker, it makes sense. Unfortunately, accidents will result from these movements on the road.

When it comes to responsibility and liability however, this reality may be true, but it is not going to hold up in court. A truck driver is accountable to show others on the roads his or her intentions and to take the precautions necessary to ensure that they act safely. If they fail to do so, they can be shown to be negligent and held liable for damages that result from an accident that occurred.

Driving a truck is not easy and it takes specialty training, experience, and extra caution to operate one safely. Truck drivers must be checking their mirrors constantly, staying alert of traffic and their environment, using their signals to let others know their intentions on the road, maintaining a buffer of space between other vehicles, and ensuring that they are well-rested when they are driving. Trucks also have the benefit of technology such as backup cameras, sensors that indicated movement forward and backward, lane departure signals, and even indicators that can tell the driver if there is a car in their blind spot.

What Can You Do When You Are In A Car Accident In Arizona?

The Dangers Of Blind Spots For TruckersIf you were in an accident with a truck hopefully your injuries were not catastrophic. However, anyone victimized in an accident with a truck driver should know that the amount of compensation needed to help them overcome their damages has the potential to be very high. To obtain a fair settlement, it is vital to obtain the assistance of a Phoenix serious injury attorney

The Arizona truck accident attorneys at ELG can help you. We are dedicated to helping victims in the state of Arizona see their full legal justice after an accident that was not their fault. Call ELG today at either our Pheonix or Mesa personal injury law offices at 623-562-3838 to have your claim reviewed by one of our knowledgeable attorneys today.