When is a Truck Considered a Commercial Vehicle?

When is a Truck Considered a Commercial Vehicle?

Commercial truck accidents are devastating. They result in extensive damages, bodily harm, mental trauma, and death. Victims are entitled to file a personal injury claim in Arizona if they were harmed in an Arizona commercial truck accident. Due to the destruction that Phoenix commercial truck accidents tend to result in, settlement amounts can be very high to account for all the massive losses and damages. It is important that a victim in an Arizona truck accident connects with an Arizona truck accident attorney that has a full and thorough understanding of Arizona personal injury laws as well as experience with commercial truck accidents.

The Pheonix commercial truck accident attorneys at ELG know how to examine victim’s accident situations and conduct thorough investigations to find out all of the details of the event. The Arizona serious injury attorneys at ELG understand how important it is that victims of a serious commercial truck accident obtain a fair settlement that is funded appropriately with regards to the damages they had to endure.

What is Considered a Commercial Truck?

When is a Truck Considered a Commercial VehicleYou wouldn’t be alone if you thought of commercial trucks as large, 80,000 pound 18-wheelers. This is true but not every commercial truck is a massive vehicle like an 18-wheeler is. Any vehicle that has the power and capability to transport goods throughout states and the nation could be considered commercial. Every commercial truck is required to have a number on their door given to them by the Department of Transportation. This number identifies the vehicle.

If a vehicle has the potential to haul a specified amount of weight or if it can connect with a trailer the vehicle could be considered a commercial vehicle. This means that even a pickup truck that you wouldn’t expect to be in the same category as a large semi-trailer would actually be classified as such. How commercial trucks are regulated will depend on the state that it operates. Every state has its own laws as to what is considered a commercial truck and they also have their own guidelines that operators and companies must abide by.

In addition to the states having their own set of regulations for the commercial trucking industry, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration also has regulations for commercial trucks across the country to adhere to. Experienced Arizona commercial truck accident attorneys will have knowledge of these laws and will also know how they can affect a victim’s Arizona personal injury claim. There is a significant difference between how an accident with a private truck is processed and how an accident with a commercial vehicle is managed.

Connect with a Talented Arizona Commercial Truck Accident Attorney Today

The Spanish-speaking, bilingual Arizona serious injury attorneys at ELG can help you after your accident experience. Whether you suffered damages from an accident with another passenger vehicle or you were hit by a commercial truck, the Phoenix catastrophic injury attorneys at ELG will fight on your behalf to ensure you obtain a full settlement with all of the money you are entitled to. Call the Arizona serious injury attorneys at ELG to schedule your free consultation at (623) 877-3600.