When Should You Call the Police After Your Arizona Traffic Accident?

When car accidents happen, no matter how minor they are, they can shake a person up. They are shocking events that happen unexpectedly and lead the body to release adrenaline in response. There are specific steps that individuals involved in a Pheonix car accident should take but right after an accident, it may be difficult to remember what to do. The first thing to do is if you are able, check on all parties involved to see if anyone needs medical attention. Then, calling the police is the next step for most accidents. 

The Phoenix serious injury attorneys at ELG can help you after your Arizona car accident experience. ELG can answer your questions and discuss with you how you can obtain compensation for all the damages you suffered including:

  • Lost wages
  • Pain and suffering
  • Medical treatment 
  • Property damages

Are You Required to Report Your Arizona Car Accident?

When Should You Call the Police After Your Arizona Traffic AccidentThere are no laws requiring anyone involved in a Phoneix automobile accident to report the incident. Even though this is true, it is better to call the police and have the appropriate authorities come out to the scene. When the police arrive they can examine the accident and they can write a report. Often, an officer will indicate who they believe is at fault for the accident. This information can be incredibly helpful for you if another party was responsible for your accident. The police report indicating fault can play a role in strengthening your Arizona personal injury claim.

Additionally, if you leave the scene of an accident without calling the police, even if you believed everything was under control, you could put yourself in jeopardy of being charged with a hit-and-run. This is another reason why having the authorities on the scene is a good idea. When the police arrive at an Arizona traffic accident if there are significant damages a police officer in Arizona must file a report. These damages include any injuries, deaths, extensive property damage over $1,000, as well as any situation where a citation was issued. 

The only time that it would make sense not to call the police would be very minor fender benders where minimal damages occurred and no injuries took place, but even here you are still taking a risk by not alerting the authorities. Calling the police is a recommended action to take after an Arizona traffic accident. No matter how severe your accident was, if you have sustained damages that motivate you to connect with your insurance company to file a claim you may be subject to a deadline. Many insurance companies make it mandatory that accidents be reported within 24 hours after they occurred.

Speak with an Arizona Personal Injury Attorney Today

Another important step to take after an accident is to connect with an Arizona personal injury attorney and learn about what your legal options are for recovering costs associated with your damages. Statistics show that victims are able to obtain much higher amounts of money in their settlements when they work with an attorney. The seasoned and experienced Phoenix serious injury attorneys at ELG can provide you with the legal representation you need to be successful. To schedule your free, no-obligation consultation with the attorneys at ELG do not hesitate to call (623) 321-0566.