Car Wreck Lawyers

Have You Been Injured In a Car Wreck?

Driving on the roads in Arizona is a great way to get around, but unfortunately, an accident can occur at any moment without a warning. Most of the time, driver negligence is the cause of an accident with serious injuries. In other cases, neither driver is at fault, but a defective part can break, resulting in a devastating crash. Our knowledgeable team of car wreck lawyers at ELG is dedicated to keeping your best interests and rights in mind. Contact one of our car wreck lawyers today.

If you are in need of a car wreck lawyer in Arizona, contact our highly experienced car wreck lawyers today.    

Even the most cautious and defensive drivers cannot control other people and how they drive on the road. Car crashes are the cause of over 30,000 deaths every year in the United States and 2 million more injuries. If you or someone you love were seriously injured in a car wreck in Arizona, you are going to need a committed car wreck lawyer.

What to do if You Were in an Accident In Arizona

One of the most important things people who were involved in a motor vehicle accident tend to forget is to remain calm. Panicking can alter your mind in a way that important details can be easily forgotten. Before doing anything else, take a few deep breaths and keep yourself calm. However, we advise not admitting fault or apologizing at the scene. Some of the other things that you should do immediately following a car wreck include:

  • Call The Police- Even if your accident wasn’t major, you need to call the police. The other driver may try to deter you from making this call and pay you money upfront, don’t take their offer. Failure to call the police after an accident can make it harder on you if you plan to seek compensation and file an automotive crash claim. Also, the police can collect information for you if you are unable to.
  • Seek Medical Attention- Calling for medical attention for yourself and others who may be injured on the scene can be helpful to you and your case. Adrenaline could be rushing through your veins and even though you may not feel like you’ve been injured, injuries could show up later on. Internal injuries can go undetected and cause further problems.
  • Write Down Details- Write down details of the accident while they’re still fresh in your mind. Include important details: the weather that day, the date and the time the accident occurred, landmarks that are around the accident scene, and the location. This is a great way to document the events of the accident to take to court.
  • Photograph The Scene- Take pictures of everything at the site where the crash occurred, from both the damaged vehicles as well as the immediate surroundings. Having photographic evidence will show how much damage was done and can help establish the cause of the crash. Always keep a camera inside your glove box for any such emergencies.
  • Get Contact Information From Witnesses- Get contact information, including the names, phone numbers, and addresses of any person who may have witnessed your accident. Police can contact these witnesses later on and collect statements.
  • Get Contact And Insurance Information- If the other driver is not too badly injured and is able to exchange information, take down their name, phone number, address, and all insurance information.
  • Contact A Car Wreck Lawyer- The next best thing to do is contact an auto crash lawyer as soon as possible. The sooner you call a team of experienced car wreck lawyers and get them involved with your case, the better.

In every state, there is a specific amount of time to have a personal injury claim filed, known as the statute of limitations. For the state of Arizona, that statute of limitations is two years after the date of the accident. If a car crash victim waits until after two years to get their claim filed, then they will not be able to pursue compensation. If you or a loved one were injured in an auto wreck in Yuma, don’t hesitate to give ELG a call. Our committed bilingual team of car wreck lawyers is here to answer any questions about your accident and will help you get your car wreck claim started right away.

Car Insurance in Arizona

The state of Arizona requires that every motor vehicle must be covered by an insurance policy with specific liability coverage minimums. It’s not required for drivers to have uninsured or underinsured liability coverage, but insurance companies have to offer it. Uninsured liability insurance covers you if you are injured in an accident and the at-fault driver does not have auto liability insurance, and underinsured liability coverage can help cover what is left if the at-fault driver’s insurance policy doesn’t cover all damages.

If you or a loved one were seriously injured in a car accident in the greater phoenix area, you may have the right to demand compensation. Our dedicated team of car wreck lawyers at ELG are committed to helping you receive the maximum compensation that you deserve, with no out of pocket cost to you. You won’t have to pay any fees until we win your case. Call ELG today for your free, no-obligation, and confidential consultation with one of our experienced bilingual Spanish-speaking car wreck lawyers.

If Defective Parts Cause an Accident

Some accidents may not be at the fault of either driver. In some cases, defective parts can be the cause. If a faulty part was the cause of your accident, you may be eligible to file a claim against the manufacturer or distributor of the part. As long as the products are being used as intended, those who are responsible for allowing defective parts to be sold can be liable for injuries sustained in a car accident under the product liability theory. Common examples of parts that could be faulty and cause serious injury sustaining accidents include:

  • Airbags
  • Tires
  • Steering
  • Brakes

It’s important to hold those responsible for your accident accountable. Whether it be another driver or a manufacturing company, you can count on our skilled bilingual team of car wreck lawyers at ELG to stand by your side throughout the process of maximizing the amount of compensation you deserve. We pride ourselves on being able to understand your goals as the client and preparing the most effective legal strategies to accomplish your needs during these trying times. Call ELG today for your free, no-obligation, and confidential consultation, or you can schedule your consultation on our website at your earliest convenience.

What Kind of Damages Can I Recover?

There are two main types of damages that can be recovered in any personal injury case, including car accidents. These are known as economic damages, and non-economic damages. Economic damages are meant to help cover bills, expenses, property loss, and other financial aspects. Some examples of economic damages include:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Inability to earn future income
  • Property damage
  • Damage to your vehicle

Noneconomic damages place a monetary value on things that money cannot replace. An experienced car wreck lawyer can help calculate the value of non-economic damages. Some examples of such damages include:

  • Loss of enjoyment
  • Pain
  • Emotional anguish
  • Inability to comfort loved ones
  • Inability to publicly socialize

The state of Arizona awards compensation for personal injury and property damage under the rule of comparative compensation. This rule states that a jury of a car accident case will determine how much fault the parties involved played in causing the accident in question. In other words, if a victim files a claim for $2000 and the jury determines that they were 10% at fault, then instead of the $2000 that was originally filed, the victim would only receive $1800 and the other party would receive the remaining $200.

In every state, there is a specific amount of time to have a personal injury claim filed, known as the statute of limitations. For the state of Arizona, that statute of limitations is two years after the date of the accident. If a victim waits until after two years to get their claim filed, then they will not be able to pursue compensation.

Working With a Car Wreck Lawyer

Nobody expects to be injured in a car accident. With having to take time off work to recover, medical expenses and household bills tend to pile up. You don’t have to suffer through the added stress alone, our compassionate team of car wreck lawyers is here to help. With over 55 years of combined experience, our experienced bilingual team of Spanish-speaking car wreck lawyers are dedicated to being supportive and excelling in all aspects of the services we provide for our clients. Call us today at (623) 877-3600 for a free consultation with a car wreck lawyer or schedule your consultation below at your earliest convenience.